Adapt and Survive

Do today what tomorrow's self will thank you for.

Fight for light

This website is dedicated to helping people overcome the issues they're facing through self betterment. Everything you see here has a purely secular and logical basis.

Today's world can be extremely demanding on the human brain and body. The population is ridden with problems, which are being ignored, shunned and pushed aside. People are so engulfed in their little stressful worlds, that they forget basic principles this reality is based upon, they forget they are indeed human. And we, as empathetic people, feel immense pain for all the lost souls wandering in this cruel world, which is why we decided to create this website, to use all the experience and knowledge we gained over the years to remind people who they are and help them on their path towards happiness and self improvement. We don't sell anything, nor do we try to manipulate you. You help us by helping yourself.

What does this site offer?

In one word: advice. We work every day on gathering the information on what the issues people face are, and formulate the solutions we observed to be effective for us and other people into simple guides and explanations. 

Strained mind

Our brain is the part of our body from which this fast, stressful, overpopulated world demands the most. It is no surprise we suffer from an epidemic of mental health problems, most notably depression, anxiety, mood and personality disorders and other, more severe mental illnesses. Oftentimes the people, who need help the most, are pushed on the side of society and being ignored, unloved or even belittled or laughed at, perpetuating their ailments.

Neglected body

 The way our mind operates influences the visage and general health of our body in the long term, because it is our brain, which controls the body and therefore controls what we do with it. A disenfranchised mind leads to health problems in your body, mostly because we tend to compensate for the happiness we lack by engaging in instantly gratifying activities, such as eating junk food, drinking sweet drinks, using drugs, spending too much time staring into screens to escape the harsh reality, etc. An unhealthy body further perpetuates this vicious cycle, because it makes us depressed even more, which in turn leads to more escapist behavior. Also we tend to not care about an unhealthy body as much, as our percieved self-worth is lowered.

Isolated society

There are more ways to communicate with other people than there's ever been, and yet there is a certain sense of disconnect in the society. People living in their own little worlds, too afraid to open up, choosing the easy way out by barring themselves from the outside world using smartphones, spending excessive ammount of time inside on the computer, watching TV or focusing solely on their work, trying to get ahead in an individualistic fasion, while ignoring the tribalistic, social nature of humanity. This, yet again, perpetuates the aforementioned issues.

Interested in solutions?

If you feel like you identify with what we observed and you're interested in our theories on how to get on the right track towards bettering this situation, please read through the pages linked in the menu on top of this page.
Thank you for visiting, we hope this site is of some use to you.

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