Prosperous society

Stop the degeneration of humanity

General degeneration

You may have noticed, that there seem to be more societal problems than there used to be. People are frustrated, disconnected from one another, addictions are rampant, casual sex without a relationship is more common, violence in many areas of the world is rising, people are poorer, less happy and without a purpose.


Very often you see people engulfed in their own little worlds, without considering other people's feelings, without trying to imagine what it's like from their perspective. Empathy is an extremly important function of the brain, which allows us to not all be predators, but cooperate and make progress together. We should underdtand, that other people have a brain just like we do, so they have their own feelings, their own motives for doing whatever it is they do, they have their own problems and concerns. That's why we should practice looking at situations from the perspective of others, objectively analyse it from all the angles and make a rational decision, which will benefit all the sides involved.

Universal happiness

A good compass for your morality is analysing, whether what you do will overall increase the ammount of happiness in the world. For example, if you're unnecessarily selfish, you may feel a bit better yourself, but at the expense of others. On the other hand though, if you put the feelings of others over yours too much, you will end up not getting what you want, which also lowers the overall ammount of "good" in this world. So the best way to act is using compromises, with which as many people as possible are satisfied.


Too many people these days struggle with the lack of resources. Of course there are many individuals, who are truly empoverished and have barely enough money to buy food. The best advice for them is to try to get better at something, which could eventually benefit them in whatever spare time they have. However, there are some, whose income isn't as low as it may seem, but they spend an unnecessary ammount of money on things they don't immediately need, which only keeps them from eventually escaping the unfortunate situation. We reccomend saving up as much money as you can and diversifying your savings, so that you never lose everything, for example in case of a financial collapse. Investing in stocks, precious metals, etc. can prove to be quite profitable. It is good to have some financial value stored in physical objects, which you can sell in case you have an immediate need for money. Trying to escape a bad financial situation should be the goal of nearly everyone, as even if you fail in your endeavors, you have attained some useful skills and experience, so the next time you'll know better and eventually succeed and reach whatever life you dream of. You won't accomplish that by spending your money on drugs and items, which lose value over time.

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